The 10th Amendment
The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the
States respectively, or to the people.
The 10th Amendment neither adds to nor subtracts from the US Constitution. It simply gives any politicians that would subvert the constitution with laws a heads up: Federal powers are limited.
Much to the consternation of Congressional Democrats, who are attempting to flex the muscles specifically denied to them by the Constitution, many states are lining up to peacefully and legally nullify the stream of power grabbing legislation headed our way.
The 10th Amendment Center has a great post on the efforts by states to nullify the unconstitutional laws, especially the Health Reform Legislation:
Regarding nullification and health care, there’s already a growing movement right now. Led by Arizona, voters in a number of states may get a chance to approve State Constitutional Amendments in 2010 that would effectively ban national health care in their states. Our sources here at the Tenth Amendment Center indicate to us that we should expect to see 20-25 states consider such legislation in 2010.
20 States resisting DC can do what calling, marching, yelling, faxing, and emailing has almost never done. Stop the feds dead in their tracks.
During the last couple of decades, much legislation has been enacted by Washington that is simply unconstitutional. But if it is not challenged, it has the same effect as being constitutional.
Right now, there is a clear and present danger emanating from our elected officials in D.C. One that must be stopped, in the long term at the ballot box, but in the short term by nullification.
When elected officials stop listening to the electorate and go on an unprecedented power grab, it is the duty of all Americans to use whatever legal means are necessary to protect the Constitution and continue the form of government that has worked for over 200 years.
Article written by: Tom White
About Tom White
Tom is a US Navy Veteran, owns an Insurance Agency and is currently an IT Manager for a Virginia Distributor. He has been published in American Thinker, currently writes for the Richmond Examiner as well as Virginia Right! Blog. Tom lives in Hanover County, Va and is involved in politics at every level and is a Recovering Republican who has finally had enough of the War on Conservatives in progress with the Leadership of the GOP on a National Level.
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